Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blowing my own trumpet :D

Ok, so I decided to brag a little about my very recent artistic success.
As some of you know, I draw and do some requests from my friends and family. Recently, Karolina asked me to draw a scene from a book by Peter V. Brett 'The Painted Man'. Obviously, I drew it (had a lot of fun with it, honestly ;)), gave it to her (now it's hanging over her bed) and posted it on my DeviantArt profile.
Not so long ago, I received a comment from a man who, after short investigation, turned out to be Peter V. Brett himself! :D I can't describe how happy I was to receive a praising comment from the author of the book I made fan art of :)
And then I was asked for permission to place my drawing on Peter's official blog! Of course, I agreed and now it's there! :D
Follow this link to check it out:
The second drawing in the post is mine :) It's called Arlen vs One Arm and I'm soooo proud of it :D

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Music is what feelings sound like

Today I would like to share with you the extraordinary work of a man without whom Star Wars Saga wouldn’t be as great as it is – John Williams.

John Williams is an American composer and is the creator of some of the most recognizable film scores in the history of cinema. If you ever find yourself watching Jaws, Superman, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter (the first three movies), Schindler’s List or, of course, Star Wars, turn your attention to the music – that’s John Williams’s work.

I got my first TAPE with music by John Williams for Christmas, in 1999, I guess, and I instantly fell in love with it. Listening to the tape was like watching Star Wars without a TV set. I think that’s why I enjoy this music so much – you can’t watch the movies everywhere, but you can always listen to the music. And, since I know the movies practically by heart, this is enough to trigger the memories.

Listening to Star Wars music has become a kind of a ritual for me. It’s mostly instrumental with occasional choir and, even though I have listened to it hundreds of times, I still find it simply enchanting. I seriously doubt there has ever been a day I didn’t listen to at least one of the scores. I turn to it when I’m sad or nervous and it always makes me feel better.

Last year I went with my sister to Star Wars in Concert, where music from Star Wars was performed live by the London Symphony Orchestra, with fragments of the movies displayed on a big screen. The experience was simply amazing. Even now, I can’t find the right words to express how incredible that was.

I’m sure you all know the most popular themes, like The Main Theme (the one that is played at the beginnings of the movies) and The Imperial March (you can often hear me humming it as I walk down the corridor). I also recommend that you listen to The Duel of Fates (surprise cool fact: the choir sings in Sanskrit – if you paid your attention during our HEL classes, you’ll know what this is :)), Battle of the Heroes and Across the Stars (also known as the Star Wars Love Theme).

Still, I really would like to share with you a score that may be not that popular as the ones I just mentioned, but is one of my absolute favorites – it’s the music from the scene of Luke’s final confrontation with Darth Vader and the Emperor.

Close your eyes and enjoy.

And, by the way, this is what Star Wars in Concert looks like :D The orchestra is under this huge screen.
Simply supercalifragilisticexpialidocious :D
I should go to sleep now, seriously :)